2019: New online version
Use the WebAssembly-based version of PosteRazor in your web browser.
Third party code
PosteRazor uses third party Open Source libraries. Without those, it would have been painful and unmotivating to create the PosteRazor, and the feature set and portability would have been much smaller. The libraries are statically linked into the PosteRazor.- User interface: For the user graphical user interface, FLTK 1.1 is used. It is a fast, light UI toolkit. Highly portable, flexible, easy and fun to learn&use.
- Image loading: The images are loaded by FreeImage 3.10. This is a portable library that makes image loading, handling and saving a no-brainer.
- File chooser dilaog: The file chooser of the PosteRazor have the platform specific look&feel. Thanks to Fl_Native_File_Chooser: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.